Judy in Israel, Blog Post #3

Today: down to the business of figuring out a story's characters, problem, solution. Probably the challenge of every language learner to --you get the content but can't communicate well about it because you don't have the vocabulary.

One girl asked for Michael Jackson's song about feeding the hungry.. if we can read and translate it.

Our books have included Sandy Sasso's In God's Name, and a book called Stellaluna, about a bat who has to accommodate to life with birds. I chose these because of their themes of variety and tolerance, acceptance of difference and even embracing those differences, teaching each other.

A bit more...

A classroom I work in seems to be in the "school's over, what a mess" stage... a few doors down is a clean, state of the art computer lab! So I cleaned up and set up my room, and I was all set to use it and visit the computer room when I discovered a few things--

-only one student of my group of 4 had shown up and did not want to have our class alone, so he left.
-the others had left earlier.
-the building needed to be locked due to vagaries of who is in charge of the building on certain days.

The frustrations of truancy and bureaucracy were present today...


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