Entering the New Year With a Sense of Gratitude

By Orit Honigsberg
ENP Intern, Fall 2014
Student at Bar Ilan University

After continued research about ENP’s programs, I’ve come across the organization's plans for expansion.

The Government of Israel has recommended that as of the academic year 2015, ENP serve as coordinating body for all educational programs for Ethiopian-Israeli school-aged children nationally. What this means is that the Program will expand from its current 4000 students (approximately) to include more than 12,000 students across the country. ENP will also increase the monitoring of its participants over multi-year periods, as well as after their graduation from the Program.

While reading this information, I felt so grateful that ENP’s work has gained such significant recognition and acknowledgment by the Israeli Government, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Immigration. This expansion will take lots of resources and funds and inspires me to work even harder during my time here to help with this transition into ENP’s soon-to-be leading role in the Ethiopian-Israeli educational system. With Rosh Hashana approaching, I want to wish ENP a huge amount of success, and that they should continue to make such a powerful impact and continue to create equal opportunity amongst all of the members of Israel’s population. By next year, this program will be beginning to take effect and I look forward to seeing it happen! 



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