Feeling Like an ENP Veteran Already

By Orit Honigsberg
ENP Intern, Fall 2014
Student at Bar Ilan University

Just successfully completed my second week as an Ethiopian National Project intern! After hours and hours of reading about ENP’s work, and old reports, I can sprout off fun facts about the organization like a pro. 

This skill of sounding like a veteran ENP employee is coming in handy. For all of the phone calls I’ve been making-especially those in Hebrew- I am required to sound competent, confident, and well versed in ENP’s work. In any other place, making cold calls might feel a bit like telemarketing. However, Israel, as always, proves it is not like any other country. While targeting some major Israeli corporations, I’ve been transferred a billion times, and have been turned down bluntly once or twice as well (which is to be expected). However, even those who turn me down tell me Kol HaKavod for trying. When the nice lady at HaMashbir LeTzarchan (and Israeli department store) told me ENP wasn’t eligible, she kept me on the line for another few minutes gushing about the good work I was doing, calling me a “tzadika” (righteous). So instead of being discouraged when I can’t progress in a certain direction, I’ve been motivated.

What I like about my position is that it also requires creativity. My Google-ing skills have never been better. All other work or volunteering positions I’ve held in the past have been very hands on, working with other people in an active setting. This is the first time I’ve had a role that is 100% research and writing (and sitting). Still, the work is engrossing and I find the hours pass by quickly, always leaving me with work for next time!


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