A Rewarding Day at ENP's SPACE Scholastic Assistance Program

By Talia Klein
ENP Volunteer
Student at Midreshet Moriah

At the beginning of this week's session, I was introduced to a new student at the SPACE Scholastic Assistance Program. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him because he was highly motivated and also welcoming of guidance and instruction.

We worked together for the entirety of the session, as he chose not to utilize his allotted break time because he wanted to make more headway in his work. Not only was I impressed by his focus, but I was also really happy to watch this child independently work hard through the challenging assignment. I literally saw him racking his brain to succeed - it was quite motivating.

Perhaps what stuck with me most was at the end of the tutoring session when he said to me very genuinely, "Thank you so much, it was very nice to meet you." This was the first student I encountered who acknowledged the help he was receiving and the relationships that were forming. I look forward to more encounters like this, where the students display a love of challenge. Perhaps I must think of a way to relate my love of learning to these students to serve as an example.  


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