Reading and Understanding Reports

By Mona Mizikovsky
ENP Intern
MASA Teaching Fellow in Rishon L'Zion

While reading one of the end-of-year reports to one of our amazing funders I came across this phrase:

"It is important to note that the Government of Israel invests millions of shekels in the effort to register an improvement of single digit increases in matriculation rates for the general national population.  ENP has succeeded in improving performance ay a phenomenal scale, with minimal investment per child"

This phrase really got me thinking.  Initially about how successful ENP is at closing the educational gap by providing its participants with additional study assistance, lunch and academic and social support.  But also more generally about education. It's really amazing how a few additional hours of small group tutorials based on a child's needs can make a difference.  

In the grand scheme of things the scholastic assistance program doesn't seem like much but the changes it produces really are impressive, not only on to the ENP participants but on Israeli society as a whole. 

ENP really deserves as much credit as it gets for the work it does!


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