ENP at the TLV Community Center

Lindy Rosen, Intern for the ENP

My Weekly Schedule:

Sunday-Wednesdays -
8:20am: Wake up and head to the bus stop
9:10am: Arrive at work at the TLV Community Center
9:15-12:45pm: Work with amazing kids and staff teaching them English
12:45-2pm: Special activities such as going to the horse ranch, amusement park, having a basketball tournament, going to an water park, etc.
2pm- : Go home and explore Tel Aviv

7:20am: Wake up and head to the Alzorov Bus Station
8:30am: Take the 480bus to Jerusalem
10:00am: Arrive to work at the ENP Headquarters
10-2pm: Work with a great staff and other interns, listening to speakers and brain storming ideas on how to improve the ENP

I'm leaving Israel in one week, that means I'm also leaving the ENP. My time here has been incredible; I'm so sad to be leaving. I look forward to going to work each day knowing I'm improving somebody's life and helping them succeed in the future while also having fun. While they are being taught English from me, they are also teaching me Hebrew. Its a unique opportunity to work for the ENP and being able to work both sides on the organization, the business and marketing side and the camp side.
Basketball Tournament
BasketBall Tournament
Getting Awards
At Superland Amusement Park
At Superland Amusement Park
Working Hard on her English
Carriage Ride at the Horse Ranch


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