Sarah Brammer-Shlay on Kiryat Bialik
Back home most of my previous jobs have been working with youth. Usually, when asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” youth work is not typically mentioned. However, I have begun to see that this is what I enjoy most. This past Sunday was Purim a nd myself, ENP staff m ember Michelle Shelemay, and two other volunteers headed out bright and early to Kiryat Bialik. We took part in a youth encounter that was comprised of American teens from Boca, Florida who had spent the week with a group of Israeli teens from Kiryat Bialik. These teens are part of an initiative called Partnership 2000 which twins cities in the U.S. and cities in Israel. The Israeli te enagers involved had previously visited the teenagers in Florida and now it was the American teenagers turn to come to Israel. Both the American teens and Israeli teens arrived at the ENP Youth Outreach Center early Sunday morning to learn more about The Ethiopian National Project and to make Mishloach Manot baskets for Pu...